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Ea - The Resolution

For signatories of the Funders Commitment on Climate Action, a Tika Transition can provide a framework to take action on the commitments and help to resolve injustices connected to climate change in Aotearoa.

A Tika Transition is guided by tikanga principles and tika actions.

Below is a link to a “guide” for signatories to consider, when realising the climate action Aotearoa commitments.

Click on the links below to learn more about implementing a Tika Transition in key aspects of philanthropy, including access to supporting resources.


Governance / Leadership


  • Why are we engaging with te Tiriti o Waitangi?

  • How does te Tiriti relate to our values and work?

  • Do we understand our communities aspirations toward a climate resilient region?

  • How is the power of philanthropic resources enabling leadership and aspiration in communities?

  • Has mana been considered in how leadership is structured and maintained?

  • Are our governors and leaders climate competent?

  • Do our governors have climate related oversight built into Board processes? 


Tika Transition Governance and Leadership is consistent with the intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

Governance and Leadership are representative of the community we serve, and we have the authority (mana) to lead.

Governance and Leadership fosters healthy relationships (whanaungatanga) to support the self-determination of communities.

Governance and Leadership commit to facilitating the stewardship (kaitiakitanga) of resources by the communities they maintain ties to. 


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Ko tō hoe, ko taku hoe, ka tere te waka e | With your paddle and my paddle, the waka will travel quickly

Ngā Rerenga o Te Tiriti responds to the aspiration of groups and organisations within the community sector to be more engaged with the Treaty of Waitangi.  A compelling how to guide.


The Chairperson’s Insights into Climate Action provides a summary of highlights from interviews with the World Economic Forum’s Community of Chairpersons on the topic of climate action. It explores key issues and best practices for board members and organisations in relation to climate.

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Action by Community Trusts can happen at multiple levels to have a long term impact on emissions and climate impact.  Climate Action requires adaptive leadership and this is the challenge.

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As overseers of risk and stewards of long-term value, providing good climate governance is an essential function of the director’s role. This guide sets out two sections of a roadmap for directors who want to deliver strategic climate governance.




  • Who are our community? Who are mana whenua?

  • How are they impacted by climate change?

  • Is Tiriti partnership an underpinning value to all transition work?

  • Do you understand where your organisation stands in its climate governance journey and how you will need to evolve?

  • Has Mātauranga Māori and local knowledge been included?

  • How will the outcomes (costs/benefits) of the transition be distributed?


Organisations are responsible for considering foreseeable risks and opportunities, including considering obligations to promote decarbonisation and adopt sustainable practices. 

Changing mindsets is critical – from having a ‘sustainability strategy’ to having a ‘sustainable strategy’ for every capital: human, financial, social, cultural and environmental. This requires systems change, climate justice strategies and more innovative, proactive and collaborative funding approaches.


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This report proposes a framework and set of strategies for shifting from incremental to catalytic collaboration in the climate action field. This involves three interconnected processes: 1) highlighting climate action by creating public awareness and scientific evidence; 2) orchestrating climate action by curating partnerships, convening actors and allocating resources; 3) operationalising climate action by developing and implementing solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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What role and answers do foundations have in the face of the greatest crisis of the century? How can every foundation bring a climate perspective to its portfolio? This Climate Philanthropy Guide addresses these questions, offers insightful case studies and provides hands-on advice that can be implemented immediately.

The guide is a useful resource for foundations from whichever sector to start thinking about how they can contribute to tackling the climate crisis while delivering on their core mission.

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This guide captures the wisdom of philanthropic leaders, intermediaries, and frontline movement builders with experience advancing climate justice strategies. It synthesizes information to help the reader understand why and how to incorporate climate justice strategies into their work.


This guide is designed to inspire and support foundation signatories as they embark on their own journey of change. Whilst this is for an international climate action commitment, it also has significant relevance to our Aotearoa commitment.

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This report from WSP and the Helen Clark Foundation highlights a unique opportunity for positive social and economic transformation through climate adaptation. It stresses the importance of inclusive adaptation strategies that respect the voices of those most affected - aiming for urban regeneration, socio-economic development, and, above all, equitable and just outcomes for all.




  • Do our existing investments reflect the tika transition principle of Kaitiakitanga?

  • Are our investment partners/suppliers committed to climate responsible investing and practices?

  • Do we know our targets / measures for climate responsible investments?

  • Have the rights and interests of future generations been considered in our decision making?

  • Do we have the right information that helps us assess all climate risks along the entire value chain?


A Tika Transition requires that investments are aligned with principles that are tika, specifically, kaitiakitanga – ensuring climate action investment strategy, policy and decision making considers the impact on all resources and people significant to place, for this generation and the ones coming.


Tika Transition investment encourages socially and culturally responsible investing.


Image by Yasmine Duchesne

Investors have the opportunity and responsibility to ensure their investment portfolios align to the Paris Agreement and transition to a Net Zero position. The concept of Net Zero is not fully developed, however, urgent action is needed if the effects of climate change are to be contained. 

The below topics are linked to their corresponding section in the roadmap:

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Ngāi Tahu Whai Rawa investment policy is an example of tika investing. Ngāi Tahu Whai Rawa is an iwi investment scheme that helps create a better future for Ngāi Tahu whānau through greater wealth and wellbeing.  Whai Rawa are committed to sustainable and ethical investing only – investing in sectors where there are likely to be environmental and social benefits.

Bay Trust's Sustainable Investment Journey

Bay Trust's Sustainable Investment Journey

Play Video

BayTrust Chief Executive outlines the journey they have been on to be climate responsible and to work towards a fully sustainable and decarbonised investment portfolio by 2030.  Actively working with Fund Managers starting with ESG principles and reduced exposure to fossil fuels and moving into a more sustainable investor space including impact investment has produced superior returns and positive impact.



  • How does our grantmaking process reflect Te Tiriti o Waitangi?

  • How do our grantmaking processes and strategies enable community-led action on climate?

  • How are we enabling collaborative effort to address climate issues?


A Tika Transition encourages the co-design of grantmaking strategies and processes with leaders who represent community and mana whenua, reflecting authentic relationships (whanaungatanga). 

Grantmaking expresses long-term commitments enable leadership, community-led climate developments, and a whole-of-community tika transition.



G.I.F.T Gulf innovation fund together, in an innovative and successful grantmaking example.  Grantmaking made possible through collaboration, shared vision and shared outcomes.


In 2021, PMP decided to move towards a more participatory philanthropic model in which all involved could share power and work together to make decisions about strategy, resourcing and grant-making.

The participatory approach inspires sharing of power, a Te Tiriti based philanthropy, better decision making and use of resources, increased ownership and accountability, being tika, enhancing knowledge and connection.

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An aspirational international example of ‘tika’ grantmaking in action. 

The groups the Project fund transform entire communities. In 2015, The Solutions Project began funding grassroots organisations at the forefront of climate solutions with the first-ever climate and equity fund. Despite historic underinvestment, these neighbourhood-level innovations solve multiple problems at once. From clean air and energy to affordable housing and community resilience in a disaster. These innovations go well beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They transform the health, economic, and social outcomes of entire communities.

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Trust Waikato engaged in a pilot study with their grantees using Toitū's Carbon Assess tool. With this information, Trust Waikato will attribute the CO2e emissions equal to the grant value as a percentage of their total revenue (i.e. if an organisation receives a grant of $10,000 from Trust Waikato and has total revenue of $100,000 then 10% of that organisation’s emissions can be attributed and accounted for by Trust Waikato). Trust Waikato can then aggregate the data to understand the emissions generated by their granting programme.




  • Are relationships with iwi, hapū and community nurtured?

  • What is the history of the land we are situated on?

  • What resources are we allocating to this work, where and how?

  • Do our operations support the funder's commitments?


For organisational Treaty commitments to be sustained and successful, operating in a Treaty-honouring way is required.

A Tika Transition inspires philanthropic organisations to realise the benefits of operationalising climate action internally and externally.

Operationalising a tika transition is founded on tika principles – with the most being whanaungatanga; building and strengthening relationships between iwi, hapū, māori, crown, industry and community.



There’s no shortage of research about climate change or about methods of engagement. But practical guidance around how to engage communities for climate adaptation is less well-covered. Engaging with a community on climate adaptation is as much an art as it is a science.  This guide provides organisations with the ‘how to operationalise’ community engagement. When engagement is held in stories as well as science/data, and when a community owns its own narrative, the discussion can more easily turn to the opportunities we can find in adaptation.

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Our Maunga connects us, our people enrich our rohe, and our stories unite us.

An inspirational example of a tika process to bring about transformative change for all. Alongside whānau and community leaders, in 2013 the Ruapehu community challenged themselves to have the courage, commitment and imagination to work together to create and implement the first Ruapehu Whānau Transformation Plan. The Ruapehu Whānau Transformation Project has come out of iwi aspirations and is now a successful kaupapa, supported by crown, business and the community. 

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A community philanthropy how to guide. It’s an enduring dilemma for donors: how can they deploy resources in ways that put the people they are meant to be serving in charge of their own destinies, while at the same time ensuring full oversight and accountability when it comes to how their funds are spent and what results they produce?

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© 2023 Climate Action Aotearoa - The Funders Commitment on Climate Action.

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