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Ki te kotahi te kākaho, ka whati;

ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati.

When reeds stand alone they are vulnerable;

but together they are unbreakable.

- Kingi Pōtatau Te Wherowhero Tāwhiao


Funders Commitment
on Climate Action

Funders in Aotearoa New Zealand who sign up to this Funders Commitment recognise our climate crisis and commit to responsibly investing in a tika (just) transition to a green, low-carbon society. 


Guided by te Tiriti o Waitangi, as signatories we aim to accelerate effective and collaborative climate responses for greater equity and wellbeing.


We invite all funders to join us in this vital mahi.

Tropical Leaves

The Commitment

We, the undersigned,
commit to:


Commit and share resources

We will take opportunities to contribute to and support mitigation and adaptation to climate change impacts. We will commit resources to accelerate work addressing the causes and impacts of climate change and identify opportunities to co-fund initiatives.

Please join us in this collaborative effort.



The Funders Commitment
on Climate Action.

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