Pānui- June 2024
Ngā mihi o te wā ki a tātou katoa. With winter settling in and matariki just around the corner it's a perfect time to slow down and reflect on the year that has been, remember those we have lost and set intentions for the year ahead.

Climate Co-leads update:
The co-leads are pleased to announce that the Funders Commitment Annual Report 2024 is published. The report shares our progress from the years 2022 to 2024, outlines the scope of work ahead of us and provides some key recommendations across the five organisational levers of change.
Please take the time to read the report here, you can also find a one page summary of the report here.
New Signatories to the Funders Commitment
We would like to warmly welcome Central Lakes Trust and Clare Foundation as our newest signatories. Central Lakes Trust in Te Waipounamu covers an expansive region sweeping from the northern reaches of Makarora down to the southern point of Raes Junction, spanning the breadth from the tranquil town of St Bathans all the way to the picturesque enclave of Glenorchy. Clare Foundation describes itself as a progressive, proactive and strategic funder focussed on being a catalyst for systems change by tackling some of the big issues of today. We are excited to have you both on board, nau mai haere mai.
Climate Action Working Group (CAWG)
In March 2024, the Kaupapa of National Significance Fund was established by the Combined Community Trusts of Aotearoa. This is a climate action focused fund; with a total granting value of $500k over a three year period. The Climate Action Working Group has led this collaboration with the first financial contributors being Trust Waikato, Foundation North, Rātā Foundation and Toi Foundation.
The Fund aims to support and empower community led climate action through funding initiatives that: contribute to long term reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through community based/community led action; support ecological resilience; support the building of community climate resilience in the face of increasing extreme weather events; contribute to a tika (equitable) transition, reflecting commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and supporting Māori aspirations regarding climate action.
This shows the power of collaboration and is testament to our commitment whakataukī: “Ki te kotahi te kākaho, ka whati; ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. When reeds stand alone they are vulnerable; but together they are unbreakable.” - Kingi Pōtatau Te Wherowhero Tāwhiao

Rātā Foundation supports Picton Dawn Chorus and Kaipūpū Sanctuary - they share a vision to preserve the natural environment and protect native species for future generations.
A temporary law change is being proposed to make it easier to improve flooding resilience at specific sites in the Hawke’s Bay.This proposed Order in Council was requested by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Recovery Agency.
Find out more here

Indigenous leaders of New Zealand and the Cook Islands have signed a treaty, He Whakaputanga Moana, to recognise whales as legal persons.
The declaration seeks to protect the rights of whales (tohorā) to migrate freely and to use mātauranga Māori alongside science for better protection. It also aims to set up a dedicated fund for whale conservation.
Read more about this groundbreaking mahi here
How mana whenua lead the way in revolutionising environmental healing
A great story in The Spinoff, highlighting how mātauranga Māori and modern-day science can come together to combat climate challenges.
Learn & grow:
The Aotearoa Circle - an organisation that publishes climate resources has just released ‘Green Funding: a “Where to” Guide’ Featuring a funding pathways map designed to help businesses and sectors know where they can go for green capital.
Read this article by Deltares ‘Five questions about the impact of floods on the financial sector’ to better understand climate risk to the financial sector.

NZ Food Waste Champions have released their latest report 'Driving action on food waste' With a vision of 'He taonga te kai – An Aotearoa New Zealand where food is not wasted.
The findings of the report are reinforced by The latest Global Food Waste Index Report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was released in April 2024. The Index highlights the critical issue of global food waste and its severe impact on food security, environmental sustainability, and economic stability. The report emphasises the urgent need to tackle this crisis to meet the Sustainable Development Goal of halving food waste by 2030.
Upcoming events:
Think Talk: Moving Forward: Sustainable Transportation in the Climate Change Era, Tuesday 18 June, from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm, Selwyn College, Auckland.
The Sustainable Business Network is hosting a Nature and Business Symposium at AUT University on Tuesday 13 Aug 2024 - Wednesday 14 Aug 2024, 9am to 5pm.
‘Collaboration between businesses, financial organisations, NGOs, tangata whenua, philanthropists, government agencies and local communities is fundamental for the transformational change required to halt and reverse the loss of nature. This Symposium offers a rare opportunity to connect and learn how to take action together for people and the planet.’

Throughout June Parakore Aotearoa are hosting Hui ā-Rohe in Whakatāne, Wairarapa, Waikato, Te Hiku, Whangārei and Te Ūpoko. These regional meetings will be an opportunity to connect with your community an local stakeholders and find ways to better support eachother in climate action.
Sharing Success Stories:
Our newly published report highlights good practice examples and success stories of our signatories across all seven commitments. From enabling community leadership to decarbonising investments, there’s much to celebrate.
Trust Waikato has a grantmaking framework called ‘Mana Whakahere’ based on the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi with a focus on a Tika Transition and uplifting tino rangatiratanga (self-determination).
Mana Whakahaere acknowledges the rights of communities to take ownership and determine their own wellbeing and destiny. By empowering people in a community to address their own issues, we are acknowledging that they hold the knowledge and experience to determine their own solutions.
This is testament to our commitment to enable Tangata Whenua leadership.
Values Trust, share an exciting and innovative example of the wide reaching benefits of decarbonising the value-chain and how local off-setting can create value.
Community Trust South (CTS) has recently piloted a Decarbonisation Workshop for community groups and grantseekers which not only builds stakeholder capability but supports mitigation and adaptation to climate change impacts. Ka rawe koutou!
Find out more about the collective efforts of our signatories in the 2024 Annual Report

Wellington Community Fund supports Mountains To Sea Wellington’s seaweed restoration project.
Ngā mihi o te wā: We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to share any learnings, stories, news or useful resources. We would love to socialise this with the network.
Please continue to follow us on socials & if you’d like to have a kōrero, we are only a phone call away.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Arohanui and Esther